Nationally Diverse Results
The term 'digital transformation' is an extremely broad concept, and therein lies a danger. Because, what should you do and, more importantly, not do? Before you know it, you're investing time and money in activities that don't provide significant value to your organization. It's largely due to this that initiatives frequently fail, with only a 30% success rate nationwide. At Nimble, our success rate is 95%. This is primarily because of our functional approach, where our focus on people and processes always takes precedence.
What your organization's people and processes need strongly depends on the challenges your organization will face in the coming years. Possible challenges include:
- Increasing productivity
- Enhancing efficiency
- Improving customer experience
- Automation to mitigate staff shortages
- Reducing error margins
Informed Decisions with Value Exploration
Digitizing and optimizing work processes can greatly contribute to achieving such goals. We assist organizations with advice, guidance, the right tools, and involving employees in this ongoing development. The Value Exploration makes clear which processes are most suitable and interesting (and what they yield!). We've developed a proven format for quickly gathering individual insights and making opportunities visible. We also translate them into a concrete action list (Ease of Impact Matrix).
This quickly provides visibility into the work processes worth optimizing and how to assist and facilitate people in your organization. This sets us apart from technical IT service providers who primarily focus on technology. Our technical business experts have a management background and first consider the people and processes in an organization. Only after that do we evaluate which technical tools are valuable.
Engagement and Adoption
A significant success factor of digital transformation is employees' engagement in ongoing improvement efforts. Therefore, we help organizations involve their employees in the growth process. We achieve this with advice and tangible resources such as training and workshops, ensuring that new tools are truly well-utilized.
The adoption of changing work processes and tools is crucial for your ultimate success. This extends far beyond technology. Developing a new application isn't that complicated, but successfully implementing and adapting it to a changing organization is much trickier. And how do you ensure the tool is used as you had hoped beforehand? Paying attention to these aspects are critical factors for achieving a success rate of 95% or 100%.
The First Step
A successful digital transformation begins with your first step, which is primarily understanding that things can (or must) be done differently and having the courage to do things differently together. This is how significant innovations begin. But don't worry, you don't need to completely overhaul everything. A sound development journey isn't a revolution but a gradual evolution that involves everyone.